Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Sometimes our work here is difficult to put into words.  We disciple.  We pour into our staff so they can outreach to other coaches and leaders.  We train and teach and raise up these men.  And more importantly, these men, women and God pour into us.  As J and I continue reflecting on our time here, we realize how much growth and change we have seen not only in our staff but ourselves.  As J says, it's like throwing a pebble into a lake... you see a few ripples but don't know what has been stirred and transformed underneath.  You don't know how the ripple affects other waves and ripples.  You don't know how far the ripple travels and changes and likely never will.  What is amazing about our work here is that we don't know exactly how God has used us.  I can tell you about our meetings and the progress we have seen.  I can tell you about budgets and projects and Financial Peace courses.  I can tell you about outreach and increased time spent with coaches.  I can tell you stories of appreciation we have heard from our staff, but ultimately I cannot tell you (nor will I ever be able to)  the total changes and impact God has used our time here for.  And this is part of what makes our journey in the Dominican so amazing!  We are not in charge of these changes- God is!  We are not in control of this ministry- God is!  We are in control of our own obedience to God's calling.  God called our family to the Dominican through AIM.  Through this time our lives, futures and paths have been forever changed.  We are not and can never be the same "J and Candace" that would have been had we never moved.  Our girls and God-willing future children will not be the same.  One of the most amazing things God granted me tonight was that although our work may not be "sexy" with huge numbers of decisions for Christ or records of those healed, our work has been good because God called us and we obeyed.  I don't mean we have always made the right choices, but rather God calls us to obedience and the rest is left up to Him.  His grace is sufficient to erase my errors and wrongdoings.  His grace is sufficient when I lose my patience.  His love covers us for our failings.  What an amazing Father! 

As we continue reflecting on our staff, Sosua, on ourselves and this journey, we can only express complete joy because God called us here.  Our prayer is that He would continue to use us as He sees fit (whether to victories or losses)!
"God has called us to live for a cause greater than ourselves- A life that is dependent on His grace and power to achieve things we never thought possible through our lives."  Os Hillman

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