Sunday, October 12, 2014

Let the Storm Rage

Sometimes God calms the storm.. Sometimes He lets the storm rage and He calms His child.

This was my past week especially in the past 3 days.  Between 2 sick kids with fever, cough and congestion, J being gone since Thursday at a clinic in Hato Mayor, being without power for 24 hours which is only a problem as our batteries died (so no fans or lights) amongst other things, it was a rough couple of days.  And more than once it came to tears.  (ok, I'll admit several times)  As we prepared for J to leave for the clinic, there seemed there were too many things pressing against us.  Too much to get done, too much happening at home, too much pushing down, too much, too much... We were under attack.  Miscommunication with the States, frustration here, again sick kids and all the other things, our enemy was working overtime.  And finally I came to the realization that there must be some awesome work happening and about to happen for him to attack like he is.  And from what I have heard from J (I don't have the entire scoop as he returns tonight), the clinic has been simply amazing.  Barriers have been torn down, people have been set free, and the freedom offered by God has reigned!  (And this idea of complete freedom from Jesus is something many in this culture do not believe.  Many say someone is not a Christian because they wear make-up, color their hair, drink alcohol...)  And this is worth ALL the struggles and tears and trials this past week.  Knowing truth is being preached and people are being set free! 

And I must say that God did not leave me during this time.  I knew He was there.  I could feel Him and He provided by surrounding me with family.  Not only did I have the prayers from our family in the States, but our family in the Dominican came to our rescue the night without power.  As I was breaking down because Ryann was hurting and crying with a fever, there were no fans nor lights, Aubrey was tired and cranky, supper had not been made and mom was well... exhausted... I see the safari drive up with Rafael and Tati to save us and take us to Pastor's house.  It was a true blessing and something I have to be able to admit... sometimes I need help.  Ultimately this is a pride issue I struggle with.  I don't want to look like I cannot handle my kids or my life, I don't want to burden anyone else or get in the way... 

So praise God for these trials because I have been shown I am stronger than I realized, I can drive in the Dominican, we have family and friends who love us very much and will do anything for us, we have a neighborhood full of kids who adore Aubrey and Ryann and stay for all hours to help me, we have friends who will go out of their way to stop by the house to listen to and check on Ryann and Aubrey (Dr. Duncan and his beautiful bride Sarah- a nurse), I can make a mean pot of white rice (and I'm not talking minute rice), and so many other things!  Although I will admit it's easy to say this all now because we are on the downhill slide, I am grateful for this week in its entirety.
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Our guys left yesterday and arrived safely in Houston last night.  It was kinda sad to see them off at the airport.  I know, crazy, but I realize how much they have grown to be a part of our family and how much they love us and visa versa.  Here is a picture of them all looking very handsome and ready.  (They were VERY excited and maybe a touch nervous.)
Another picture of the guys training in our living room before leaving for the States.

Two weeks ago, Salomon, one of our staff, was hosting a tournament in Sabaneta in a new area he is working.  We went for the morning as support and to see the game.  J ended up preaching a message to the boys and we got some time just having fun and being outside.  And I must say it was one of the most beautiful places to play baseball I have ever seen.  Here are some pictures of the day...
Apparently J has made it his mission to get ridiculous pictures of Alfre.  So he tricked him into this picture by asking Alfre to look at something and then "click".  Hahaha... no matter how old they are, boys will always be boys.

One of the girls and me.

For all my Tennessee family, this boy is wearing a Pigeon Forge shirt.  :)
 We see shirts from all over but this is one of the first Tennessee shirts I have seen.

Salomon leading a group of boys between games.

During Alfre's prayer.  Can you spot the gringas?

Aggie pride!  Saw 'em off!
Praise God for each of you!!  Ugga mugga!  (We have been watching a lot of Daniel Tiger.  Thank goodness for youtube.)
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

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