Thursday, September 18, 2014


So here is a picture of J for his first day of "Paz Financeria"... hahaha.  I couldn't resist getting a picture of him all dressed up for the event (and yes this is his "little kid" face).  According to J the first session was great and 24 people came.  One of the pastors actually came to J at the end and asked where he can get a leader pack to put this on for his church!  Amazing... I didn't get any pictures from the course as the girls and I stayed home with our ministry in the neighborhood. 
Aubrey, Ryann, and my ministry in the neighborhood.  Showing these kids love and fun through playing with them.  Thanks Renee Fuller for the Minnie Mouse bow bingo... it is a hit with the kids.

J has started spending his days with our staff more on a one-on-one basis in order to equip them to go and reach other coaches.  Salomon (one of our staff) who came from FCA has been trained and is fantastic at meeting new coaches, gaining their trust, and incorporating techniques and discipleship into the practices.  He is taking a lead of teaching our other staff how to do this.  Alfre, Salomon and J spent half the day on Tuesday together working through this process.  We are hoping a few weeks of one on one with our staff and practicing together will equip them to begin reaching out to their surrounding communities.  It's amazing how many people can be reached when we all go out to tell another 2 people about Christ's love for us and the salvation He offers.

J had a meeting with the Christian Sports Association Tuesday night which brought up several ideas about improvement (which we are ALL about) and future needs.  And we had a meeting last night (lots of meetings happening) with our AIM staff.  I must say these meetings have been absolutely amazing since our return (I know there have been only 2) and I hate to say it (only because I truly love living here in Sosua) but these guys are ready to do it on their own.  I am so proud of the leadership all of our staff have begun to take and the organized manner in which they have begun to prepare meetings, plan events, give ideas, and ultimately raise up their communities.  This is exactly what our goal has been throughout our time here (to raise up our guys so they can continue raising up others) and I pray the next several weeks of J and Salomon pouring into each one to further equip them to reach others will be smooth and full of growth. 

Please continue praying for everyone on our team (including J and myself) during this time for God to continue raising us up and maturing us to be more like Him.

Please also pray for those coaches, teams, and youth who have not been reached.  Pray they would be open and willing to hearing the Word when presented and willing to accept the assistance our guys want to provide.

Lastly, pray for our enemy to be pushed away.  Throughout our time here, we have been attacked countless times.  This time we are having one computer problem after another (before it was fleas surrounding our house- literal fleas all over- we couldn't go outside; we have had an entire ant colony in our kitchen with the dirt and all which happened overnight- crazy; in January when we returned our propane was not working and therefore we couldn't cook and we had no water in our cistern which turned out to be a problem for months, and the list goes on).  I know our God is a big and mighty God and He always takes care of us.  Nothing happens that He does not know about.  So please keep praying for our work here and for our family.  And also pray for our staff as several of them are undergoing stresses and trouble in daily life as we all do.  I ask you to lift each one of them up: Rafael, Checo, Salomon, Alfre, Freysy, and Victor.

Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue. Gods voice in response to mine is its most essential part.
~ Andrew Murray

Ryann smiling.  :)
Aubrey helping me make cookies for the kids.

J with a power tool.  Thanks to the Vogt family for this drill so we can actually hang stuff up on our cinderblock walls.  Here J is preparing for the zombie attack.

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