Saturday, September 27, 2014

Karaoke anyone?

I'm telling you the time flies by so much faster with two kids.  Whew!  I think I am going to blog every night and then it's the next day and wow it's been another week.  But things are still cruising along.

We are still working on getting the AIM guys to the States in October.  This is going to be a fantastic opportunity for them to be trained in coaching techniques, discipleship and incorporating the two.  We have some training lined up with FCA, local churches and community members and Houston Fire Baseball.  However, we still need to be approved for the visas.  So please be praying for this process.  J and Rafael took a trip to Santo Domingo on Thursday to turn in all the paperwork, passports, pictures, etc.  The interview is October 1 at 7:30 am, so please say a special prayer at this time! 

Paz Financeria is still going strong and a few more people came to the class (about 27 people with only 13 books).  Obviously we do not have enough books to cover them all, but they are willing to share and very excited for the course and what it has to offer.  As it is only 6 weeks long, it is a lot of information every week for them to absorb.  Please continue to lift these pastors and leaders of the community up in prayer for the positive changes that can happen if they allow it.  In fact, one of our AIM guys (Freysy) told us the other day of how the course helped him:
Freysy's wife had chikungunya and developed a very high fever.  He took her to the clinic, but because he had saved $50.00 in his emergency fund, he wasn't worried about how he would pay for it or where it would come from.

One of the blessings in the Dominican are the amount of other ministries here with the same general mission as AIM (reaching the people with the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ through sport).  We have teamed up with these ministries the past several years for clinics, work, and even our own camps.  Meeting God in Baseball,, has a clinic every Fall and invites other ministries (FCA, AIM, Go Ministries, etc) to participate.  20 of our coaches and J will be heading to Hato Mayor October 9-12 for a clinic of 70% faith building and 30% baseball.  We are excited again about the opportunity many of our coaches will have through this clinic, so please pray for their knowledge and faith to grow.  Pray for their comfort zone to be stretched in order to bring glory to His name and pray for their families as they will be away for 4 days.  (Our enemy often attacks these men through their families falling ill or financially as they do not have "vacation days" but merely go several days without pay in order to spend this time growing.)

We have also been working on weekly work log sheets for each of our AIM guys and developing goals and objectives with them.  This has been a process as this is not something they just understand.  Similar to budgeting, I cannot imagine not knowing how to budget whether it's money or time or other resources.  However, our guys have not been taught this.  They have not grown up in a culture focused on this, so teaching them to complete work logs and develop goals takes time (something I have to remind myself often).  But, I believe they are starting to understand this and the reasoning and I know it will be a great transition for them to see how they spend their time each week.  Even for us, having J write out his time, projects and work helps us see where he needs to branch out and with whom. 

Praise God we have been safe and healthy (minus a slight cold myself or "la gripa").  He continues to provide for us and give us the strength we need to push forward and reach beyond our regular life and comforts.  We are so blessed!

And some pictures.  As I have been staying home more with the girls and not going with J to his sites, practices, etc, I do not have as many pictures of that.  I will get on him to start taking more pictures.  But here are a few from our life...

 A little bit of karaoke to Frozen's "Let it Go" (and yes they are singing into a jump rope).  And they are opening a new colmado (a mom and pop community "grocery store") across from us... see the open window across the street. 

Ryann just happy as can be.

A morning family shot.

Frozen viewing party.  This is all the rage here in the Dominican as well.  And the kids would get up and sing for every song.  I love hearing the songs in Spanish and English.
Checo's church was having a weeklong anniversary celebration and started the week with a culto (including preaching, a lunch and a pool party).  However, we were not informed of the pool party part and showed up dressed up expecting it to be a regular formal church function.  As J said, it's like we went to that costume party and we were the only ones dressed up...  Anyways, Aubrey really wanted to swim so here we are swimming in our dress for the day.  :)
And we were able to dedicate Ryann this past Sunday!  For those who are not sure, baby dedication is a time to declare that we as her parents will raise her in a Biblical way.  Pastor Rivas and the church prayed over Ryann, prayed for her future, and prayed for us as her parents.  Also, a custom in the Dominican is to have padrinos (god-parents).  So we chose and asked Tati (Pastor Rivas's wife to be her madrina (god-mother) and Rafael to be her padrino (god-father).  Rivas is on the left, Tati me, Rafael is hidden and J with Aubrey.

Here is a better shot of all of us. Rafael is on the right between J and me.
The rest of our life is great.  Filled daily with phone calls, meetings, practices, fun, games, and exhaustion.  But that good kind of exhaustion!  The God filled type!
We love you all!

Now thank we all our God,
With hearts and hands and voices;
Who wondrous things hath done,
In whom this world rejoices.
Who, from our mother's arms,
Hath led us on our way,
With countless gifts of love,
And still is ours today.”
-Martin Rinkart

Thursday, September 18, 2014


So here is a picture of J for his first day of "Paz Financeria"... hahaha.  I couldn't resist getting a picture of him all dressed up for the event (and yes this is his "little kid" face).  According to J the first session was great and 24 people came.  One of the pastors actually came to J at the end and asked where he can get a leader pack to put this on for his church!  Amazing... I didn't get any pictures from the course as the girls and I stayed home with our ministry in the neighborhood. 
Aubrey, Ryann, and my ministry in the neighborhood.  Showing these kids love and fun through playing with them.  Thanks Renee Fuller for the Minnie Mouse bow bingo... it is a hit with the kids.

J has started spending his days with our staff more on a one-on-one basis in order to equip them to go and reach other coaches.  Salomon (one of our staff) who came from FCA has been trained and is fantastic at meeting new coaches, gaining their trust, and incorporating techniques and discipleship into the practices.  He is taking a lead of teaching our other staff how to do this.  Alfre, Salomon and J spent half the day on Tuesday together working through this process.  We are hoping a few weeks of one on one with our staff and practicing together will equip them to begin reaching out to their surrounding communities.  It's amazing how many people can be reached when we all go out to tell another 2 people about Christ's love for us and the salvation He offers.

J had a meeting with the Christian Sports Association Tuesday night which brought up several ideas about improvement (which we are ALL about) and future needs.  And we had a meeting last night (lots of meetings happening) with our AIM staff.  I must say these meetings have been absolutely amazing since our return (I know there have been only 2) and I hate to say it (only because I truly love living here in Sosua) but these guys are ready to do it on their own.  I am so proud of the leadership all of our staff have begun to take and the organized manner in which they have begun to prepare meetings, plan events, give ideas, and ultimately raise up their communities.  This is exactly what our goal has been throughout our time here (to raise up our guys so they can continue raising up others) and I pray the next several weeks of J and Salomon pouring into each one to further equip them to reach others will be smooth and full of growth. 

Please continue praying for everyone on our team (including J and myself) during this time for God to continue raising us up and maturing us to be more like Him.

Please also pray for those coaches, teams, and youth who have not been reached.  Pray they would be open and willing to hearing the Word when presented and willing to accept the assistance our guys want to provide.

Lastly, pray for our enemy to be pushed away.  Throughout our time here, we have been attacked countless times.  This time we are having one computer problem after another (before it was fleas surrounding our house- literal fleas all over- we couldn't go outside; we have had an entire ant colony in our kitchen with the dirt and all which happened overnight- crazy; in January when we returned our propane was not working and therefore we couldn't cook and we had no water in our cistern which turned out to be a problem for months, and the list goes on).  I know our God is a big and mighty God and He always takes care of us.  Nothing happens that He does not know about.  So please keep praying for our work here and for our family.  And also pray for our staff as several of them are undergoing stresses and trouble in daily life as we all do.  I ask you to lift each one of them up: Rafael, Checo, Salomon, Alfre, Freysy, and Victor.

Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue. Gods voice in response to mine is its most essential part.
~ Andrew Murray

Ryann smiling.  :)
Aubrey helping me make cookies for the kids.

J with a power tool.  Thanks to the Vogt family for this drill so we can actually hang stuff up on our cinderblock walls.  Here J is preparing for the zombie attack.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Ants Go Marching One by One

Whew!  What a fun day!  It actually takes me back to my marching band days... memories.  We participated in the September Opening Ceremonies for the AIM baseball tournament... ultimately we were in a parade!  And it was so much fun.  Ryann and Aubrey thoroughly enjoyed being pushed and held respectively throughout the ordeal.  Freysy (one of our AIM staff) took care of the drums so it was the real thing.  7 teams gathered to pray, receive a message from Luis Chimpin and J, march through Charamicos, then teams split into their respective divisions based on location to play.  It is truly an honor to be part of a ministry reaching so many youth in this area.  Praise God for the men and women who continue to give up their time to coach and deliver the Word throughout the year. 

I didn't get any pictures from the games, but here are some of the parade. 

What else has been going on...
J visited La Piedra this past week with Checo. (for those of you who have been here... imagine Cangrejo but poorer).  They visited one of the poorer schools and delivered some balls and tracts to them.  Here are some pictures of this:

We have been working on the applications for visas for all of our guys to get to the States in October.  And I must say this is quite the ordeal.  We have learned a ton about this process and all the ins and outs.  Please be praying as the next step is an interview to be approved for the visa.

J attended a softball game held by our bank at the Air Force Base.  As many of you know, building relationships is a key in mission work and ultimately who doesn't enjoy playing softball?  I am excited to see how God will use these new relationships for His glory and reaching the youth in this area. 

J starts Paz Financeria (Financial Peace- the Dave Ramsay one for Latin countries) this coming Monday with many of the local pastors.  Please be praying for this course as these men undergo it.  And be praying for our AIM staff as they will be assisting J in facilitating the course so they can continue it when we move.

We are living life and loving it.  I am enjoying having the "neighborhood kids" over and Aubrey and Ryann are surrounded with attention and loving Dominican style.  It is such a blessing to be surrounded by so many loving neighbors in our house and have so much family here.

As always, thank you for your support and prayers.  Every peso we spend here is because someone was willing to donate to our mission here.  If you are interested in supporting us financially or have more questions about this, please let me know!  My email is

Here are just a few pictures of the girls...

Aubrey ready to go to the grocery store!
And here is Ryann.  It's hard to believe she is 2 months old already.  (And everyone here calls her Jaimita "little Jaime")

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being likeminded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Philippians 2:1-3

Monday, September 8, 2014

Home Again, Home Again

We're home!!!  We arrived safely Wednesday afternoon, and I must say we are blessed to have 2 girls who are fantastic travelers... praise God.  I will admit before heading back I felt confused as to where "home" was.  Having been in the States for 2 1/2 months (to deliver Ryann and waiting for her release from Doctor), I had settled back into the luxuries we will call them and life of living in the States.  Although I was excited to come back to the Dominican, there was some anxiety in readjusting to this life and simply adjusting with an extra daughter, a newborn at that.  But as always, God paved the way!  And it has been unbelievably easy getting settled back in.  I was again reminded of the blessing it is to have running water as Wednesday our tinaco (the tank on top of the house that holds the water received from our cistern) was out of water and we had to wait for the electricity to come back on to refill it.  Of course, this took much longer than I wanted.  And of course I turned into "chicken little" (as J calls me) when the world was coming to an end because I couldn't find places for everything and I wanted to shower and I wanted to go to bed and it was hot... you get the idea.  I tend to have these "special moments" when I am very tired and stressed out.  God blessed me with an incredible husband though who is patient and calm and simply listens and helps where he can.  Eventually we had power and water was restored!!  :)  And in the shower I praised God for the blessing of running water.  It's those moments when I realize how blessed we are and how God always takes care of us. 

We have seen the majority of our Dominican family and it has been great getting to show them our new addition and how much Aubrey has grown.  We have our first official meeting since our return with our AIM staff tonight.  I am pumped to get started working as we have a ton to do, and ultimately we are excited to do it!  We are increasing the accountability of our Dominican staff with weekly log sheets and goals/objectives.  I know this will continue to grow them as they realize where and how their time is being spent and show them the organization and foresight vital to growth within AIM.  J already met with a group of pastors who are interested in completing the Paz Financeria (financial peace) course we offered to our staff in the Spring.  From our staff, it has been a major life change and encouragement in handling their money, so I am excited to see how these men can be impacted and raised up to be financial leaders in their families and communities.  The only problem is we have way more signed up and interested than books, so we are figuring out what to do there.  (I think there will be some sharing of books!) 

Thank you for your prayers throughout our transition back home.  Ryann has adjusted beautifully (J says she is probably thinking she is tired of camping and ready for air conditioning...hahaha).  But overall she has done great, and Aubrey is again loving being the center of attention among our Dominican family and the kids on our street.

Please be praying for Rafael and his daughter Gabriella.  She has sickle cell and is not doing well.  She has had many infections lately and has been in significant pain. 

Also, pray for the island as the chikungunya has been rampant here (some of our neighbors currently have it and many of our contacts have experienced it).  It is spread by mosquitoes and although we can take precautions, we simply cannot prevent every mosquito from entering the house as windows and doors are open all day to allow the breeze in.  From what I understand, it is like a flu with severe joint pain and fever.

And here is an article I found a few months ago talking about the life of a missionary.  Although a few of these don't apply to us, it is very accurate and honest.

Thanks for your love and support!

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.  This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.  Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.  No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.  1 John 4:7-12