Thursday, May 15, 2014

T minus 3 1/2 weeks... and batteries

Happy Thursday!  Countdown is on... only 3 1/2 weeks until our first camp of the Summer!!  We are so excited and cannot wait for the group to arrive to love on these children in Sosua and Las Terranas.  However, as I said before, so many people are working extra hard to get all the plans lined up and organized, so please keep praying for Brittney, Fred, Barbie, J, our AIM staff, Pastor Rivas, Luis Chimpin, myself and everyone else working behind the scenes.  (I must admit I do enjoy this work... organizational, spreadsheets, budgets, administrative stuff... nerdy I know!)  :) 

We started Paz Financeria (Financial Peace) with our AIM staff this past Saturday, and the class went great.  They were very interested in what the course has to offer and were willing and ready to do their "homework" of drawing up their budgets.  However, none of the Pastors were able to make it because of a story I'm about to tell you...

This past Saturday, Pastor Rivas's church (and all the Septimo Refugio churches) visited Las Espinas as a time to spend together and do a small fundraiser for Mother's Day (which is Sunday, May 25 here).  They were planning on leaving and returning to Sosua about 3 pm.  However, when they went to load up the safari, the battery had been stolen.  They called another Pastor for help, but while waiting, Tati (Pastor Rivas's wife) got the feeling that the battery was actually still in the area.  As the group was searching the area for the battery, a young man walks up to ask what they were doing.  After they explained, the young man told them he had an idea of where someone may have hidden the battery.  Come to find out, he was correct and they found it.  Pastor Rivas asked everyone in the group if someone had a tract.  When they found one, they made a note on it saying, "We are servants of the Most High God and He watches over us.  Please repent of the things you are doing.  We hope one day to hear someone in church stand up and tell a story that I repented after receiving a tract from the people I tried to steal from."  As the young man heard this, he began to breakdown.  They shared with him the Gospel and he accepted Christ in that moment.  He showed up at church the following day and was greeted with a multitude of hugs and love.  Praise God for "just one more"!!  And please be praying for our new brother in Christ.

Right now, prayers are the most important thing we can ask for.  Thank you for your love and support!

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:22-23

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