Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Waterfall de Arredondo

Hey team!  Happy almost Thursday to you all... we are in great spirits here as we wait "patiently" (I am trying to be patient) for the power to come back on so we can shower.  (It's a long story, but basically the water tank upstairs had a piece broken- think like the floaty thing in the commode- so instead of recognizing it was full when our water pump was on, it didn't register and we had the "Waterfall de Arredondo" cascading behind our house.  Needless to say we had to turn off the water pump for a few days.  But we have since used all the water in said water tank, so we have to wait for the power to come on for our water pump to refill it...) I know weird and confusing but that's where we are.  So, like I said we are being "patient" for our electricity.

On another note, we restarted ESL tonight and it was so much fun.  The class was smaller (we were not surprised as it has been many weeks since our last session and people forget), but we had a great time learning about the present progressive tense (-ing for all you nerds out there... now you don't have to google it.) :)  I must admit I enjoy preparing for the lessons and relearning why English is a certain way or the rules (nerd moment), but I am so grateful J was blessed to be a teacher.  My idea of teaching is one way, and if you have questions sorry because I only know how to teach it one way.  But I enjoy seeing J "in action" as they ask questions and he is able to tweak and teach it in a different light.  It goes to show how God has gifted each one of us in different ways (for example, I am the administrator and organizer whereas J is the big picture guy and teacher and leader among many other things). 

Even more exciting, remember how we mentioned God provided our brother, Raphael, with enough money to put the roof on his house... well it is complete!!  Last week we had a big workday (I say we because I was there supporting them as Aubrey and I watched from our chairs) where many men from the church and a few laborers worked all day to finish.  Below are a few pictures of the beautiful labor for our brother and the finished roof...

The process for the roof started with making the concrete from dirt, rocks and cement in the big yellow mixer.  To the left of the mixer is a BIG pile of dirt and rocks.  There are 2 men shoveling this into the mixer.  Then...

it pours out of the yellow mixer onto the ground where 2 men shovel it onto the platform to the right (in the picture where the 2 men are standing).  Those 2 men then shovel it onto the roof...

where the men in the green shirts shovel it into a wheelbarrow and it is taken to its specific area on the roof and poured.  Quite the taxing and exhausting process I must say.  But, here is the final picture...

Isn't it beautiful?!  :)  This is the same view from the one above.

And, Raphael already has someone living in his house.  :)  When we asked him about his "new" dog, he said he is going to start charging him rent.
And just a picture of some of the men who gave their time and effort for the house. 
On a side note (but a funny one)... J was making biscuits the other morning and reached his hand into our oven mitt to pull them out.  However, he wasn't the only one wanting to use that oven mitt that morning, and a roach (gross factor!) crawled out over his hand.  YUCK!!  I get heebee jeebies thinking about it.  I will forever squish the oven mitt and check it before using it now.
And a sweet factor, here is a picture of Aubrey and J resting together.  :)

In the prayer category, please be praying tomorrow as J and 4 of our AIM guys travel to Nagua for a prep trip to discuss our camp there in March.  We are very excited about this growth for J and all the guys and the leadership and planning that will go into it. 
As always, thanks for your love and prayers!!
Every person has been uniquely shaped and gifted by God to fulfill their mission field. 
-Pastor Aaron Morris from Bear Creek

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