Monday, January 20, 2014

Praise and Prayers

Hey guys!  Happy Monday to you all.  It's hard to believe we have been here almost a week.  Considering I haven't posted pictures in a bit, this one will be picture overload.  There has been some amazing work happening in the Dominican over the past month (just because we took a vacation does not mean God did! and Praise the Lord for that!!).  As I said before, it is good to be back.  We have fallen back into our routines from before (used to laundry and the slower process it is, sweeping everyday, speaking Spanish...).  However, the one difference is our water heater went out!!  WOW!  I must admit we were getting a little TOO comfortable with our warm showers, so that was definitely an eye opener.  I actually washed my hair upside down so the water wouldn't hit the top of my back which is I believe the most sensitive spot. :)  But, we will not allow the small things to take away our joy.  At least we have running water to get clean with.  So as promised here are some pictures:

Here is Aubrey and Loralee playing "cocina" with the new food set from Christmas.  Lots of tacos, beans and rice being made in our house now.

Here is Aubrey, Loralee, and Genesis playing "doctora".  Apparently everyone's blood pressure was high today.

Here is Aubrey and me sweeping.  Aubrey LOVES her new broom sets and uses them constantly.  I think we sweep at least 3-4 times a day.  And it was also laundry day.  (And this is our patio in case you are wondering where we are.)

A group of Canadian missionaries were here who always do the construction in Sosua.  This is in La Cienega and they completed the orphanage!  Praise the Lord!  For those of you who came last year, this is on the lot where we had the crusade in La Cienega and sits adjacent to the church.

Here is a picture of the 2nd floor of the orphanage.

This is the second floor of the church.  Again, for those who have been here before, Pastor Johnny's church was only 1 floor before this.  In order to reach the 2nd floor of the orphanage (picture before), you have to go through the second floor of the church.

Here is a picture of the kitchen in the orphanage with a few of the orphans.

These are the stairs leading to the 2nd floor of the church.

And lastly, we brought some bracelet crafts back for the kids in our neighborhood.  It was quite the hit.  However, for those who are arts and craft challenged like myself, these bracelets were anything but easy.  We tried following the directions for a bit and then just let them design and create their own.  It ended up being so much fun watching them and being with them.  We brought back some paper airplane materials for the boys (actually for everyone as the boys partook in the bracelets, too).  We are hoping to do that today or tomorrow!  I have realized how easy it can be to just do crafts with them.  They are easy and when I think everything must be PERFECT, they simply use what they have and make it work.  Quite the lesson in learning that even what I may see as imperfect (tape holding parts of the bracelet together), they see as beautiful.  I am always learning lessons here to focus on the important things in life and not the materialistic or often human perspective.
And we have some prayer requests for all of you:
- First, Pastor Johnny and one of the orphans, Jason, were in a motorcycle accident this past Wednesday.  Praise the Lord, nothing was broken for either of them!  But please keep praying for healing, pain control, and strength (not only for them but for those who are taking care of them).
- Please keep praying for Raphael (one of our AIM brothers) and his family.  His daughter, Gabriella, is 13 years old and has sickle cell.  We have written about her before, but she is still struggling with pain and immune deficiency.  Please keep praying for her health, for strength, for pain control and a sense of peace.  Please also pray for Raphael and his wife (who is currently living and working in Spain for health insurance and extra money).  We know God is in control of every situation and although we cannot always understand His ways, He has a plan.  Please give all of us strength in understanding this.
Thanks as always for your prayers, love and support.  We have so much to be thankful for!
Dear brothers and sisters, when trouble comes your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.
For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed,
you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
James 1:2-4

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