Sunday, December 1, 2013

Praise Report (be ready to smile)

One of the amazing blessings about being here on the ground is we get to do the "fun stuff".  Actually, I think all of the work is fun, but we get to be the literal hands and feet to spread the joy of love and show love.  For example, one of our sisters in Christ, Mercedes, has been a part of AIM for several years now.  She has an awesome testimony and has a deep relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.  She loves God with her entire being and is always sharing this love with her community and especially the children within the community.  However, the roof on her house was in horrible shape.  It did not cover the entire house, so you can imagine what happened every time it rained (and it rains pretty often here).  She had presented this struggle with us back in June, and we prayed about it, informed Fred and others, and kept praying.  This was something on our daily prayer list but God works in His own time, so we waited and prayed.  About 3 weeks ago, we received the phone call from Fred giving the glorious news that the funds were in and we could repair her roof!  Praise the Lord!  I must admit I wanted to sing and jump (in fact I'm pretty sure there was some rejoicing going on in our house) and I could not wait to tell Mercedes.  We made a special trip to see her the next day.  And I must say, she always gives powerful hugs (those backbreaking, heart wrenching type), but these hugs were pure and complete joy.  Pure bliss!  It was such a special moment to be able to explain to her that we were not doing this because she works with AIM and we were not doing this to get anything from her, but rather God had provided the needs and we were using those funds because she is a sister in Christ and because we love her.  Here are some pictures from before, during and after...  God is good ALL OF THE TIME!!

A picture looking into what should be the kitchen area.  Obviously there is a good deal of space not covered.

A picture of what should be a bedroom.

Another bedroom.  The plastic is there to protect everything from leaks when it rains.

The frame is up...

Another shot of the frame...looking good.

A picture of the finished work!!  This is the kitchen area covered and ready to use.  And look at the "Son" beaming in.
A picture of the bedroom that had no roof.  Mercedes was so excited she went and jumped on the bed! 
And just a shot of the beautiful work and finished roof. 
As I have continuously written on here, we could not be here without the support from all of you!  Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to share Christ's love with our brothers and sisters in the Dominican!

"Waiting on the Lord is the most active experience you may have in your life."
Pastor David from Bear Creek Baptist Church

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