Friday, November 22, 2013

Ranger Rick

Have we got a story for you... go ahead and sit down because this is going to be good...

Allow me to set the scene:
Friday night, dark outside and raining heavily on and off.  We have just finished eating dinner at a new place called Gordito's (a little Mexican place with awesome guacamole and I am a guacamole connoisseur) with another missionary family we met awhile ago (the ones from Tennessee with 5 kids- power ranger photo).  We are driving back home following a wonderful evening, the rain has picked up, and we see (barely I might add) the "Dominican police force" in the middle of the street randomly stopping cars.  And lucky us, we were chosen!  Woo hoo (think of Toy Story with the aliens... "we've been chosen")!!  Immediately, my heart is RACING out of my chest.  So, J pulls over to the side of the street and rolls down the window.

Ranger Rick (RR): (imagine the most determined, hard faced police officer ever)  I need to see your license.
J: Yes sir.
RR: (while looking at the license and walking around front of car to check lights) Change your lights to high beams.
J: complies
RR: (walks to back of car and returns to driver's side) How long have you been here?
J: About 3 months.
RR: (stare at Americans for 15 to 20 seconds)...When did you get here?
J: August 15.
RR: I need to see your insurance.
J: complies, Ranger Rick has walked away with J's license
            -exit RR, enter good cop (GC)
GC: Good evening Mr. and Mrs.
J: Good evening.
GC: The problem we have is an out of town license is only good for 90 days.  I'm going to have to escort you to AMMET (basically a DMV).
J: complies...
            -GC enters car
Candace: Should we go ahead and call Pastor Rivas?
J: Yes, where's my phone.
Candace: dials Pastor's number in phone (imagine your favorite phone call theme music... our favorite is the "Ghostbusters" theme song...."who you gonna call, ghostbusters...")
J explains predicament to Tati (Pastor Rivas' wife)
Tati: PASTOR!!!!
J explains predicament to Pastor who says Raphael and I are on our way.
             -Drive with GC to the station and sit there with the other "convicts" until we hear the trumpet sounding the calvary has arrived (Pastor Rivas and Raphael arrive on their trusty steed the Toyota Tacoma)

At this point, Pastor explained to the officers that we were within our 90 days because on October 4 we crossed over to Haiti and reentered the Dominican thereby receiving a fresh 90 days.  It ultimately took J and Raphael going to pick up our passports to resolve the situation.  In reality, the situation had been resolved in October when the Holy Spirit insisted and pushed us to make the trip to Haiti.  God saw fit to allow this difficult situation to enter our lives, but not without the foresight to resolve the situation over a month ago.  Our God is so big and always in control even in situations we cannot understand.  So thank you God for this opportunity to witness your power!

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord..." Jeremiah 29:11 (again thanks to Cael for learning these with hand motions.  J and I continue to do the motions along with the verse!)

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