Friday, August 30, 2013


I'm sure most of you know, I don't feel like I am very good with children.  Shocker, I know!  I don't know what to say to them other than the hello, how are you, how's school, those types of things.  I'm not good at just playing with them or being goofy, and I know all of this boils down to a lack of confidence with kids.  You put J near a child and they will be laughing in a matter of seconds whereas I stand there awkwardly biding my time. So today, I was asked to help lead the Bible story part of practice at Cangrejo (one of our sites) with the children, and immediately I was panicked!  I mean sheer terror!  I even had the elevated heart rate, sweaty palms, you get the picture.  And I can sit back and say, seriously, over leading a story with children.  But my first thoughts are I don't speak Spanish, I definitely don't read Spanish, I don't know the kids and they don't know me, kids don't like me... (anyone ever read Chicken Little?)  Of course I have the "Hallmark" version of leading the Bible lesson in my mind where I am surrounded by a plethora of children all sitting down quietly, raising their hands to answer a question, smiling, paying attention (you get it), and then lightning strikes and I am brought back to reality. (hold thought there)

(new story with same point) So the last two evenings, we have had a number of our neighborhood children on our driveway playing kickball, tag, hide-and-seek, and bombardo (sort of like dodgeball).  I have found myself almost counting down the time for when we have to say goodnight (and believe me, getting them to come is not the problem, it is getting them to leave- simply bring out a ball and the kids come from everywhere).  Don't get me wrong, it is a blast to watch and witness their excitement and energy, but my lack of confidence keeps me searching ahead for the next game or the next conversation and I don't really enjoy the here and now with them. 

J has told me MANY times in the past 2 weeks that God will hold my hand throughout everything I go through.  He will not lead me somewhere without being right beside me.  And I realized tonight, there is a reason God has opened this door to the neighborhood children.  He is preparing me for whatever lies ahead whether that be leading a Bible story to teams, running a daily VBS in our house, or simply loving on children.  And when (not if) the time comes to lead children in a Bible story, God will give me the courage and strength.  I am praying for that courage right now and for the confidence in myself to just be with these children.  To stop counting down the time and enjoy their life and energy.  I don't know what they have or don't have at home, but I can offer everything I have to them (mind, body and soul) every second I am with them. 

A verse in honor of Bear Creek Preschool Ministries:
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Matthew 19:14
A picture of a new neighborhood friend, Loralee, after she fixed my hair to match hers.
p.s.  J's first preaching at Cangrejo on Wednesday went great!  He was able to deliver the message twice, and one specific teen talked to J afterwards about coming back to Christ!!  Praise the Lord!  Please keep him in your prayers.  Also, please keep praying for J's preaching tomorrow night at church.  Thanks for all your continuous prayers!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"Uh Ohhh!"

As promised, here are a few more pictures.  We took some photos of our house today and will try to get them up in the next few days.  Again, please be praying this afternoon as J speaks to a group of adults at Cangrejo.  And thanks for all the prayers for Aubrey.  She appears to be doing a little better today!

Aubrey making music with Tati, Pastor Rivas' wife, and Ruth, Pastor Rivas' daughter.

"Uh Oh!"  Aubrey has learned this word quickly even when it's not a true "uh oh".  This is her offering us a chip after pouring the entire bag out into her lap.  I believe I was on Aubrey watch duty! 

Aubrey eating a snack and watching some of the men work outside.

The first meeting with all the Dominican AIM staff.

One of Aubrey and Daddy taken yesterday right outside the front door.  Aubrey has learned the head tilt...oh no!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Driveways and Washing Machines Oh My

Happy Tuesday gang!  We were able to come back to our house Sunday evening.  It was great to be back at home and even better that it felt so much like home.  Our own bed, our own shower, you get the idea.  Our driveway looks great (it even has a few puppy paw prints from our neighbor's dog) and will be so much easier to get in and out of when we find a car.  We had a possibility for a car today, but after taking it to a trusted mechanic friend, he said no.  So we are back to square one with this, but we asked God to make it black and white for us and He did.  We will keep praying and looking for the right one.  On a very happy note, we were able to use our washing machine today!!!  Although it is very different from the States and much more work, it is still easier than doing it all by hand.  It was well worth the wait. So I was pumped to get a few more clean clothes.  And I am starting to get this line drying thing down.  J had his first meeting with all the AIM staff on Monday night which went great, and I am excited to see God continue working through these amazing men.  They all have a passion for their community and an even greater passion for God's love.  J is visiting one of AIM's sites tomorrow and has been asked to preach to a group of adults.  Please be praying for this!  I know he is excited, but nerves can often creep up.  Pray for the adults to be receptive to the message and ultimately feel God's love for each of them.  Aubrey is doing great except she is currently getting 2 teeth (I think molars) and very fussy.  She is gnawing on everything and just not having a good time of it.  Please keep her in your prayers as well. 
Thank you for being on this journey with us.  We are grateful for each one of you!! 

"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Matthew 24:42-44

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Did anyone say McDonalds?

Hey team!  So we were able to stay in our own place for 2 nights!  It was fantastic.  However, we are back at Pastor Rivas' for the time being because they are paving our driveway.  Our house is situated at the top of a hill and with all the rain we have had, everyone has had difficulty getting up the driveway of dirt and rocks.  Pastor Rivas (again who we are renting our house from) wanted to get this problem fixed as soon as possible.  And God answered immediately with the funding needed.  Praise the Lord!  So, they finished with the concrete today, and I hope we can be back at home tomorrow night. 

In other news, things are going well overall.  Still adjusting to a very different culture, but this is going to be a work in progress throughout our time here.  In fact yesterday we drove to Santiago (about 1.5 hours) to look for cars.  While there, we found a McDonalds, so guess what we had for lunch?!  Big Macs all the way for this family.  It was great.  And as J said, "well we've been here a week and we are still American."  Aubrey is doing great and loving all the attention she receives from everyone.  She actually made a new friend the other night.  Our neighbor (Jose who has helped us throughout our move) and his wife were kind enough to let us use their washer for our monstrous pile of clothing (ours is still not hooked up).  And their niece who is 8 immediately took to Aubrey and visa versa.  They played for the remainder of the night and the little girl actually came over later and fed Aubrey her dinner.  One thing I love about the Dominican culture is their maternal nature and their love of children.  Even boys of all ages will stop and play with/talk to Aubrey.  It's very sweet.  We are excited about starting the real work this week now that we are basically settled.  I know God is going to move fast, so we are strapping on our boots.  Thanks again for all the prayers and love!  We can feel it everyday!

I am including some pictures (sorry it has taken me so long).  I will try to post a few more of our completed house soon.
 Aubrey taking a snack break in her car seat (yes it is currently in the kitchen).
 Our McDonald's adventure (it was great)!
 At church last Sunday.  This little girl just came over to sit with us.  In the back is Tati, Pastor Rivas' wife, and Aubrey's Dominican grandma.
 Daddy and Aubrey fixing one of the kitchen chairs. (He is holding a hammer out of reach.)
 A few of the men who were helping in our house.  They are amazing!
Don't be jealous...but this is a view from the third story of our house.  Not too bad, eh?
Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!
 1 Chronicles 16:11

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

God cares about the red lights

We have officially been here 5 days!  Moving anywhere can be frustrating and exhausting, and although our journey has had it's set backs, God willing we will stay in our own house tomorrow night!!!  Today was a very productive, exhausting day with the set up of water delivery (quite the bargain I must say), propane gas (the stoves run on propane here), drilling a hole in the wall so the stove can connect to the propane, attempting to set up our wash system and hanging line for clothing to dry, delivery of the rest of our furniture and other miscellaneous jobs.  We were even able to feed ourselves and some of the men who were helping us.  What a great feeling!  Who knew having sandwiches would be so empowering.  Now it's a matter of adjusting back to our own routine and staying those first few nights in a new place with no buffer to the outside world.  Just us. 

On another note, I was reminded today as our laundry pile grows constantly (how can 2.5 people produce so much laundry- it's a mystery) and we have no place to wash clothes as of yet, that God hears and answers even the smallest prayer.  I'm about to go shower and praying for just one more clean pair of underwear.  I know it's sounds crazy, but I don't remember how many I packed or why I chose that quantity, yet God knew exactly how long we would be staying at the Rivas' house.  He knew beforehand exactly how many pairs of underwear would be needed to last me until we moved into our own place.  He knew when we would be able to wash our clothing and how long it takes to dry (so I actually still have an extra clean pair to wear during the drying phase!).  God knows these things and wants to bless us in countless ways, but we forget to or simply don't ask.  As Monica (my sister in Christ, in family and so many ways) always says, "God cares about the red lights."  As she puts it, you're at a red light with a screaming baby in the back just wanting to be out of that carseat and all you can do it pray for a green light.  God hears and cares about even that.  He may not always answer as we want or think He should, but He does hear and answers in His way.  So pay attention to those blessings and answers to prayer in your life (even those you forget to ask for).

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your
joy will be complete
. John 16:24 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Part of the Process

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of our faithful prayer warriors!  We have been surrounded by prayer since leaving Houston, and when things begin to appear overwhelming, God wraps His arms around us with both His love and your love.

We are still in the process of getting everything set up for the house including cell phones, internet, etc.  We have most of items for the house purchased and delivered.  There will be a few things along the way we realize are needed, but that's typical of moving anywhere.  We have some amazing neighbors and men from church who are helping to install our water pump and ceiling fans.  We also purchased a charger/inverter and batteries for the house.  As the power goes out regularly here, these backup batteries will allow us to run lights and fans and electrical outlets (i.e. refrigerator).  Our neighbor is also going to help us with this part.  Although I was hoping to stay at our own house within the first 2-3 days (and who am I kidding, I was secretly hoping for the first night), I am learning patience with this process.  Pastor Rivas (who we are currently staying with and renting our house from) said we will hopefully finish everything up on Monday! 

We met a few neighbors today and specifically the principal of the school we work with and his wife.  They are sweet individuals who offered to help in any way.  In fact, his wife introduced me to another neighbor who sews.  She is going to make curtains for our house seeing that I can barely sew a button back on.  But I must say, this was quite the ordeal in my broken Spanish and their zero understanding of English.  However, the best way to learn is by practicing, so estoy practicando mucho!

Thank you all again for being part of our team!  We could not do this work without your prayers, love, and support.   
A verse in honor of our nephew Cael:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Goodbye Houston

Hey team!  We are safe in the Dominican and doing good.  We set up our bank account today which took forever, but now I feel like Jason Bourne with a bank account in different countries.  :)  Haha... it's hot and the power is out per the norm.  But I agree with J in that I am ok being hot and gross if I am supposed to be.  You definitely get cooled off with those nice, breathtaking cold showers.  And isn't Aubrey thrilled.  We are staying with Pastor Rivas (the primary pastor we work with down here) until we can buy everything/get power set up to the house.  We are going shopping tomorrow for the house, but it is a holiday here so I'm not sure how much we will get done.  We got to see the house today we will be renting from Pastor Rivas which was great.  He has added some plants and they finished painting the inside.  The one thing we were not expecting was they added a THIRD floor.  These Dominicans are crazy.  (When we were here in July, they surprised us by having added a second floor and now just one month later- another one pops up.)  The house is beautiful, and it feels more like home every time I step in it.  I still did not go up to the third floor as the stairway has no railing and looks questionable to me.

Thank you all for the countless prayers today!  We felt them all day long.  Aubrey is quite the little traveler with only a few peeps from her on both flights.  (Mom and Dad did ok as well.)  Although leaving loved ones is always hard, we remain strong in the knowledge that God is leading our lives.  We are in His hands and under His guidance.  We are riding this coaster to the end, and I cannot wait to see what happens throughout our time.  Please keep the prayers coming!!

“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition,
and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”
Mother Teresa

Monday, August 12, 2013

How was your weekend?

My weekend??...  I'm so glad you asked because my weekend was amazing, honoring, humbling, privileged, invigorating...  Surrounded by loving family and friends praying over you FOUR times is something I cannot describe.  J and I are humbled and shocked by the love we have felt.  I cannot imagine spending out last weekend in the States anywhere else. 
Thank you to all of you for making this such a special weekend.  Thank you for your love and support over the past months.  Thank you for your willingness to get "out of the boat" and join us on this journey.  And thanks to God for the guidance in each of you and provisions to reach this place.

Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.  About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water.  When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified.
In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!”
But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”
 Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”
 “Yes, come,” Jesus said.
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.  But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.
 Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”
 When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. Then the disciples worshiped him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed.  Matthew 14:24-33