Saturday, June 29, 2013

Endurance Building

Sorry we have not blogged since our 3 week adventure began.  We were busy last week with camp and all the AIM related activities that go into the week, and this week the internet has been in and out (more out) as well as the electricity.  However, I wanted to take some time to catch you all up on our current status.

First, camp was amazing last week!  We had several new sites, hundres of children coming to Christ, and even a few of our own missionaries accepting our Savior and being baptized.  You could feel God moving all around us and paving the way.  I will post a day by day summary in a bit to break it down more. 

This week, J, Aubrey and I have been attempting to conquer many of the needed "to dos" for our move down in August.  Getting a cell phone plan, opening a bank account, obtaining an extended stay visa, shopping for furniture for the house, etc.  It has been a great week, but also a frustrating one.  I am so glad we stayed for the week as we have come across many road blocks and fine print preventing us from obtaining several of these needed items.  Although I get frustrated and irritated as nothing on my list is getting "checked off", J reminds me that had we not done this now, we would have been facing the same troubles in August and the real work we want to get done would have been pushed back.  I know he is right, but my personality just wants to get things done. 

Although there have been frustrations, I am again reassured as God answers even our smallest prayers and questions.  We have been doing a daily devotional in James with the others who stayed for the middle week and started a few days ago with this:

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.  If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.  He will not rebuke you for asking." James 1:2-5
As always, God knows exactly what I need to read and need to hear to be confident and continue to move forward.  He knows what we can handle and what pushes us to grow.  Although this can be overwhelming at times, I am grateful for the growth and trust in Him. 
May the God led stretching and training continue...

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