We started off our time together with a fantastic meeting including all Dominican staff (from Sosua and San Luis). We are all very excited about how God continues to lead us and the opportunities He continues to present us.
The team starting with Christina, Alfre, Fred, J, Victor, Checo, Pastor Joaquin (walking), Luis Chingping, Freysy, Salomon, and Rafael (clockwise).
Saturday morning started with the first ever tournament in La Grua, proceeds supporting the local coach and his desire to purchase a working backstop. The entire tournament was organized and planned by our brother, Victor. Victor has a heart for reaching the coaches in this area (La Grua, Bella Vista, Maranatha, Villa Betania) and has been discipling several of the coaches in La Grua for several months. When the coaches mentioned to Victor their need, Victor immediately suggested holding a tournament to raise funds. As our staff and we continue to pour into these coaches, we are trying to change their mindset from ask, wait, and receive to go, act and serve. And then to top it off, Victor's Pastor joined us at the field and preached to the teams. This is a big deal because as more and more Pastors get on board with what we do, the more support our coaches will have in reaching the youth! Praise the Lord for His continuous provisions and His changing hearts in the culture to recognize that each field and court may be the only church a youth steps into. To understand that reaching the youth may require us to "go" to where they are.
After La Grua we visited Cangrejo. Checo was finishing practice and Christina was given the opportunity to express her passions and desires against human trafficking. (AIM has seen an opportunity to work with someone who has fought against human trafficking around the world. Our primary goal is to work in prevention by teaching an entire generation the value of women so they will say, "we are not ok with what's happening in our city.") This actually wound up being a large part of our trip. We visited with Mercedes to speak about the girls and women in her community. We participated in a parade in La Cienaga with Pastor Johnny inviting girls and women to a conference Saturday evening. Christina spoke at the conference on Saturday night sharing her testimony and again expressing the vision God has given her for the future. The conference was followed by a craft time planned by Julie. (And I must say she was amazing when the number of people attending was much higher than anticipated and the ages of those attending was much younger than anticipated... remind anyone of our camps?!) :) Then, Fred got to speak into this more on Sunday at Luis Chingping's church sharing the hope and goals and desires to reach the youth with the importance of standing up for daughters of Christ. With the importance of fighting against prostitution (which is legal here) and human trafficking. Taking a stand for these girls and saying, "No, you cannot have our girls here in Charamicos. You must go somewhere else." And then the boys in La Union saying, "No, you cannot have our girls here, you must go somewhere else." And then the boys in Montellano saying, "No, you cannot have our girls here." And the boys in Puerto Plata standing up and saying, "No, you cannot have our girls either." Teaching these boys that these girls were created in the image of God, and that they themselves were created in the image of God. So who is our God? Our God is a protector and a defender, and they need to rise up to be the protectors and defenders of women. To recognize the value of every woman whether they are their blood sister or a sister in Christ.
We are very excited about how God is going to use this and move forward. We are praying fervently for this outreach and for the changes that will happen here in Sosua and then across the island. Please join us in praying for this and the outreach and the communities!
Praying with Checo's team in Cangrejo.
Fred getting a famous "Mercedes Hug".
Organizing for the parade in La Cienaga.
One of the orphans in La Cienaga holding one of many signs during the parade.
Mercedes and several youth traveled to La Cienaga for the parade.
J starting the conference in the evening in La Cienaga.
Julie teaching a boy how to make an origami heart.
Beginning of craft time.
Nothing warmed my heart more than watching Dr. Duncan and Fred and J surrounded by kids teaching them how to do origami hearts. (I am blessed to have a Godly man who is willing to do anything for God's ministry including making origami hearts!)
Fred working on hearts.
Julie was amazing with the youth.
J translating for Christina on Sunday morning at Luis Chingping's church. Her heart and passion for reaching the youth (boys and girls) is absolutely beautiful. I think I cried every time I heard her talk about the vision God has given her to not simply help people out of prostitution and reintegrate them into society, but a vision to stop it before it even happens.
On Monday, Fred and J had several meetings before Fred's flight back to the States including a very exciting one with the Mayor of Sosua. God continues to open doors and push boundaries!!
What a blessed weekend and start of the outreach for women! I am humbled to be here and continue to thank God for this opportunity. May He continue to mold us and use us as He sees fit.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27