Thursday, April 30, 2015

Created in His image

What a great weekend!  Fred, Christina and Julie flew in on Friday for a crazy few days... 

We started off our time together with a fantastic meeting including all Dominican staff (from Sosua and San Luis).  We are all very excited about how God continues to lead us and the opportunities He continues to present us. 
The team starting with Christina, Alfre, Fred, J, Victor, Checo, Pastor Joaquin (walking), Luis Chingping, Freysy, Salomon, and Rafael (clockwise).

Saturday morning started with the first ever tournament in La Grua, proceeds supporting the local coach and his desire to purchase a working backstop.  The entire tournament was organized and planned by our brother, Victor.  Victor has a heart for reaching the coaches in this area (La Grua, Bella Vista, Maranatha, Villa Betania) and has been discipling several of the coaches in La Grua for several months.  When the coaches mentioned to Victor their need, Victor immediately suggested holding a tournament to raise funds.  As our staff and we continue to pour into these coaches, we are trying to change their mindset from ask, wait, and receive to go, act and serve.  And then to top it off, Victor's Pastor joined us at the field and preached to the teams.  This is a big deal because as more and more Pastors get on board with what we do, the more support our coaches will have in reaching the youth!  Praise the Lord for His continuous provisions and His changing hearts in the culture to recognize that each field and court may be the only church a youth steps into.  To understand that reaching the youth may require us to "go" to where they are. 

After La Grua we visited Cangrejo.  Checo was finishing practice and Christina was given the opportunity to express her passions and desires against human trafficking.  (AIM has seen an opportunity to work with someone who has fought against human trafficking around the world.  Our primary goal is to work in prevention by teaching an entire generation the value of women so they will say, "we are not ok with what's happening in our city.")  This actually wound up being a large part of our trip.  We visited with Mercedes to speak about the girls and women in her community.  We participated in a parade in La Cienaga with Pastor Johnny inviting girls and women to a conference Saturday evening.  Christina spoke at the conference on Saturday night sharing her testimony and again expressing the vision God has given her for the future.  The conference was followed by a craft time planned by Julie.  (And I must say she was amazing when the number of people attending was much higher than anticipated and the ages of those attending was much younger than anticipated... remind anyone of our camps?!)  :)  Then, Fred got to speak into this more on Sunday at Luis Chingping's church sharing the hope and goals and desires to reach the youth with the importance of standing up for daughters of Christ.  With the importance of fighting against prostitution (which is legal here) and human trafficking.  Taking a stand for these girls and saying, "No, you cannot have our girls here in Charamicos.  You must go somewhere else."  And then the boys in La Union saying, "No, you cannot have our girls here, you must go somewhere else."  And then the boys in Montellano saying, "No, you cannot have our girls here."  And the boys in Puerto Plata standing up and saying, "No, you cannot have our girls either."  Teaching these boys that these girls were created in the image of God, and that they themselves were created in the image of God.  So who is our God?  Our God is a protector and a defender, and they need to rise up to be the protectors and defenders of women.  To recognize the value of every woman whether they are their blood sister or a sister in Christ. 
We are very excited about how God is going to use this and move forward.  We are praying fervently for this outreach and for the changes that will happen here in Sosua and then across the island.  Please join us in praying for this and the outreach and the communities!
Praying with Checo's team in Cangrejo.

Fred getting a famous "Mercedes Hug".

Organizing for the parade in La Cienaga.

One of the orphans in La Cienaga holding one of many signs during the parade.

Mercedes and several youth traveled to La Cienaga for the parade.

J starting the conference in the evening in La Cienaga.
Julie teaching a boy how to make an origami heart.
Beginning of craft time.

Nothing warmed my heart more than watching Dr. Duncan and Fred and J surrounded by kids teaching them how to do origami hearts.  (I am blessed to have a Godly man who is willing to do anything for God's ministry including making origami hearts!)

Fred working on hearts.

Julie was amazing with the youth.

J translating for Christina on Sunday morning at Luis Chingping's church.  Her heart and passion for reaching the youth (boys and girls) is absolutely beautiful.  I think I cried every time I heard her talk about the vision God has given her to not simply help people out of prostitution and reintegrate them into society, but a vision to stop it before it even happens.

On Monday, Fred and J had several meetings before Fred's flight back to the States including a very exciting one with the Mayor of Sosua.  God continues to open doors and push boundaries!!

What a blessed weekend and start of the outreach for women!  I am humbled to be here and continue to thank God for this opportunity.  May He continue to mold us and use us as He sees fit.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April catch up time

Yes, we’re alive!! Seeing that it’s been almost 3 weeks since our last post, we have a lot of amazing things to tell you…
Last week, J and four of our guys went to Boca Chica to participate in a clinic put on by FCA for 3 days. It was an incredible time as four of the top baseball programs (teams that habitually have their athletes sign major league contracts) in the country brought their coaches and 20 athletes. This clinic is something J and our staff (and generally many of our coaches) have participated for several years but FCA changed the format this year to include these youth. It was a more intimate time with older youth (15-18 years old) who had the opportunity to play baseball and to let their guard down and be safe. And above all else they had the opportunity to share with men (primarily Dominicans from Meeting God in Baseball, AIM, FCA, and Go Ministries) who maybe don’t fit their definition of a “Christian”. These “Christians” weren’t the uptight guys in suits who tell you what you can and cannot do, but were guys who like baseball and like joking and like having a good time together. Each of the organizations (AIM, FCA, etc.) were given a team to work with, coach, and spend time with for the 3 days. AIM was given the team from Santiago. Overall, 16 of these youth gave their lives to Christ during the camp!! It will be exciting to continue watching the growth from this camp (each year) as more and more youth are reached with Christ prior to their being signed by the big leagues. Can you imagine what the Dominican signees in the big leagues will look like in 5, 10 and even 20 years? Please continue praying for all of these ministries who are outreaching to the kids and youth on the island and praying for a generational change!



Every month, the Christian Sports Association (who AIM works alongside) has a meeting to gather the coaches and discuss what is going on in Sosua and outlying areas, what big projects and tournaments are coming up and to simply get on the same page. Although we have continued seeing growth from these meetings including attendance, this month’s meeting was absolutely amazing! One of our goals here has been to change the dynamic of our staff and coach’s thinking from “receive” to “give”. Whether it’s receiving equipment, money, food, etc., we are trying to get them to think outwards to helping their brothers and sisters in the Dominican from their own time and money and services. However, this change in thought has been greatly avoided and even delayed as even our own staff has worried about how this thought process would be accepted from our coaches and leaders in the community. But, after praying fervently for a long time for this, God let us know it was time to do it. So, as I mentioned before, AIM and the Association were planning a 1 day camp in Nagua, and it was decided to ask the coaches who wanted to attend to pay RD$100.00 (about US $2.50). And when this was brought up at the meeting, every single coach was in agreement and understood the reason and plan! Even a few of our more opinionated coaches stood up to speak about the importance of this! So we are very excited about what this change can do for our coaches, the leaders and the community. We are continuing to push and strive for our team here to be growing towards God.

Last Saturday, AIM and the Association hosted a 1 day camp in Nagua (about 2 hours east of Sosua). We held the first 100% Dominican camp there last year. This year over 600 kids participated in baseball, soccer and volleyball. 60 kids (and a couple of adults) gave their lives to Christ! We had a team of 28 Dominicans (including our family) who got to love on the kids and coaches. We had the opportunity to share the activity with five pastors who all joined us for lunch!! During lunch, J spoke to the pastors about their role in what we do. Specifically that they have the opportunity to reach out to and disciple an entire generation who are absent from the churches. J described our work in changing the mindset of our coaches from beg and receive to give and serve. All of the pastors were very excited about this work and the work on the fields. Please join us in praying for these pastors as they are stretched and pushed to go outside of their comfort zones. (Again there tends to be a wall in their minds prohibiting them from mixing our faith and sports.)

Our team meeting the coaches, Pastors and leaders of Nagua.

The group of kids praying to accept Christ!!

Soccer players.


J and Coach Ani (our main baseball contact in Nagua). He has a very well structured program and a big heart for Christ. He has been with us on several camps. We are blessed to work alongside him.

And, this entire camp day was planned and organized by Rafael and Freysy (2 of our staff). Honestly, J and I could have stayed home as it was very smooth and organized with all the needs met. Although this is slightly sad (as our time is definitely coming to a close here), it is even more exciting and amazing to see the growth in our staff. To see their ability and knowledge in planning, organizing and implementing projects. To witness their growth in discipleship and as leaders in this community. Praise God for His continued hand on each of them as He raises them up and pours into them. (insert smiley face with tear) We are so proud of our brothers!

This past Sunday we celebrated as Pastor Rivas and Tati completed 20 years of ministry. (He is our main Pastor contact here and they are known to our girls as “Pastor and Grandma Tati”.) We are so grateful for their faithfulness in 20 years of service. They are among the long list of individuals in the story leading to us becoming missionaries.
On Monday, we hosted a program taught by the DR government about domestic abuse. This was a training to understand, recognize and deal with domestic abuse. We invited 40 people from the community (leaders, coaches, teachers, principals, pastors, etc.) to hear this message and information. At the conclusion J reminded each of them that we never receive a blessing simply to receive it and guard it and hoard it; we receive a blessing to be a blessing. J encouraged them to not simply take this information and keep it to themselves but to share it, apply it and multiply it. We are praying for multiplication of this program and for God’s continued hand in outreach in this community.

At home the girls are doing great. Ryann is standing on her own for longer periods now and wants to walk and play and run with the rest of them. She is much more opinionated than Aubrey (she is passionate like her mommy). She has 3 teeth now and I believe another on the way. Aubrey is great and getting bigger. She still loves playing with the kids on our street (and luckily the kids like it, too). Her Spanish is better. Again, she doesn't speak a whole lot of it but will answer when asked questions. J and I are good. We have our moments (I will call them breakdown moments), but I believe that's to be expected in general with an almost 3 year old and an almost 1 year old. :) Here are some pictures of family time:
Ryann outside with her "walker".

We went to the park in El Batey (near the hotel we stay at when our groups come).

One evening we "closed up shop" (aka our house) and built a fort to watch a m3ovie. 
Thank you for your constant prayers and love and support.  We are blessed and humbled to be here!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Semana Santa

Last week Freysy planned and organized a sport week at his school in Sabaneta for some competition with other schools (and yes I mean with and not against as this was a specific point of Freysy's).  We visited 3 times to support Freysy, Victor (when Victor's school played), and Salomon.  We had a lot of fun and always enjoy some good basketball, volleyball and rhythm gymnastics.  Here are some pictures...
Freysy's rhythmic gymnastics team.

Freysy surprised the kids by having a teacher rhythmic gymnastics performance choreographed.  They were actually really good with lifts, pyramids and everything.  It was so much fun to watch.

Freysy's basketball team at school.

Victor's school team.
What Dominican event would be complete without speakers, music turned to 11, and a microphone?

Last Saturday, J met up with Juan Salazar (basketball coach from Santo Domingo) who was here working with a foundation who helps Dominican basketball players get scholarships to Universities in Puerto Rico and the States.  It was a great morning making more connections and meeting more people; however, the best part was unplanned (isn't that how it always happens?!).  A coach we met several weeks ago saw J and asked if he would be willing to say a quick word or do a quick devotional with the kids especially with it being the week of Easter.  The Gospel was presented and one 12 year old boy gave his life to Christ!!  J got to spend some time with him praying and talking.  Praise the Lord for this young man and our new brother in Christ.

Easter week in the Dominican is called "Semana Santa" (Holy Week) and correlates with Spring Break.  The kids are out for the week, many stores are closed, and basically it's a big party time.  In fact, they put extra police on the beach and on the roads, pull the fire trucks and ambulance placing them on the main road, have volunteers with flags to slow cars down, the works.  Being that many people leave town, this week was slightly slower and a nice reprieve for us.  Aside from our regular meetings, we spent time with a Chiche (a baseball coach) and his family one evening enjoying asopado (basically stew).  Rafael did a short devotional followed by Alfre and J praying.  It was great simply pouring into him and his family.

On Thursday, we went with the Rivas family to the beach!  It was an amazing, beautiful day and we had a great time.  I will admit that we do not go as often as we should (it always seems like a lot of work with 2 young kids who cannot stay out that long), but now we have decided we will never go alone.  It was fantastic having people to help watch them so we could actually swim together.

You know you're in the Dominican when... you have 10 in a CR-V!

Christine (Pastor Rivas's youngest daughter).  We are blessed by her and her love for Aubrey and Ryann. She is always giving and helping with the girls.

Join us for camp in June or July and you can swim here, too!!

Please be praying for our 1 day camp Saturday, April 11 in Nagua.  We held our first completely Dominican camp there last Spring and we are heading back.  As of right now we are expecting 500 kids and coaches.  We gave control over to Rafael to plan the camp and all the details and he has done a great job.  I am proud of the work he has done for this with the help of his AIM brothers. him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom,  priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Revelation 1:5b-6