In the usual fashion, it has been an eternity since our last post... ok, an exaggeration, but again a good while. This past week was full of events and fun and mice and potty training and simply life.
We have been working on summer camp planning and budgeting and all the fun stuff to prepare for June and July camps. J and I are working on the Dominican side (Sosua, Las Terrenas and San Luis) trying to get everything accounted for and budgeted and reserved so our counterparts in the States can work on their side. (I will admit again, I actually enjoy this type of work. The administrative side in me comes out and gets to "get down to business.") Along with this comes an assortment of meetings and phone calls and emails. But, praise God because everything is coming together very nicely for this year's camps, and I cannot believe we are a mere 4 months away from June Sosua trip. Wow!!
In other news, we had several school events last week with Salomon and Freysy. Both of these guys have been working in their respective schools incorporating AIM's work. (Think like FCA in the schools). Allowing the school to develop service groups and outreach groups for their areas and developing the sports outreach. Here, teachers are allowed to preach and teach the Gospel, pray, sing, etc., so this has been a great outreach in the Cabarete and Sabaneta areas. It has been amazing to see this work and the quick development in both areas. On Thursday, we visited Salomon's school for a presentation of donations to a girl whose house burned down. (Many houses here have a vey low fire risk as they are made of cinder block; however, for the ones made of wood mixed with the consistent use of candles when the power goes out, well you know.) They took up donations of clothing and food to give to the girl and her family. We did not get any pictures of this, but it was beautiful and J was able to reinforce the idea that although we don't always understand why things happen, God is always working even through the "bad things." Then on Friday, Freysy's service group had another project of donating clothing and toys to their area. They had been planning this for some time and no matter how many times I see it, I always feel overjoyed at seeing these youth reach out to help their community. Some pictures...

Over the weekend, Alfre and Marcos planned a tournament in La Cienaga (baseball on Saturday and soccer on Sunday). This is always a great opportunity to preach the Word to those participating in the tournament and those who are watching or observing from a distance. Alfre hooked up some speakers (again no "disturbing the peace" here) to listen to Christian music and preach. Between the people who played and the ones who came out to watch, there were about 200 bodies. Praise God! Here are some pictures...
A picture of the soccer teams together. I love how God provides for every need. These uniforms were donated by some Canadian missionaries and the soccer balls for the tournament were donated by an American missionary family who recently moved back to the States.
The soccer coaches with Rafael, J, and Alfre. This is one of AIM's first actual soccer tournaments, so to see the player and community turnout was amazing. We continue to pray for God to use this sport to reach the communities and the people.
Also on Sunday, Victor was holding a mini tournament with his volleyball girls and other teams. It was the perfect day for some games.
An exciting find, the Supermercado was restocked with Bisquick!! Basically it takes about 3 weeks to get a new shipment (imported), so when we saw them, we bought 6. We didn't want to be complete mean faces and take them all, so we left 3 bags. :) And now they only import these small bags. When we first moved here, they carried the larger boxes, but sadly no more.
And one of our good friends on the street had a birthday. So we did what everyone does, we made cupcakes and celebrated. I am ok with any reason to bake something and eat them.
And a picture of Ryann at the baseball games on Saturday. (I would be in trouble if I didn't put at least 1 picture up of her.)
In news on the home front, we started potty training Aubrey about a week ago and praise the Lord she is basically there. I'm not gonna lie and say there were no fits or tears, but once we got past the "scary change" she has done really well. Several loads of laundry, a bag of M&Ms, lots of time playing and singing and reading, and we are past one of the major milestones. WOO HOO!!!
And we caught our first mouse last night. Several nights ago we had a visitor. After quite awhile searching him out, he ran away. However, we found evidence of him again yesterday morning, so we laid us a trap and got him. The rest of the story I do not know as J will not tell me (and I don't want to know). But hopefully all his friends will be scared away and not come visit.
In other good news, I am not going to die from lyme disease. A few weeks ago, J found a tick on my neck. It was a vampire tick going for the juicy parts. Luckily just the one though and so far so good.
And, we now have electricity 24 hours... ok not exactly 24 hours because it goes off every other day for about 4 hours and then randomly sometimes. But it's much better than only 12 hours a day, so it feels like 24 hours. :)
Praise the Lord for the work and struggles and everything going on He is working in us constantly and we continue to pray for this.
Much love!
Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts. Jeremiah 15:18