Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Cussin' Missionaries

J and I have a joke that our next blog will be called "The Cussin' Missionaries" because let's face it, we all do it.  You stub your toe... you touch something hot... you break something... you know those moments.  Whenever J and I accidentally let out a word we would not want Aubrey repeating, we often say "the cussin' missionaries strike again". 

I think a lot of people view missionaries like they do their pastors, they are "perfect" with "hearts of gold" who always place God first and read their Bible and have quiet time (which in my present state of 2 kids under the age of 2 1/2, what is quiet time?).  So real quick, let me set these ideas straight... errrrrrrrr (imagine the buzzer on the game Operation).  We are human just like everyone else.  I personally struggle with reading my Bible every day, praying often, spending any time alone with Him (much less daily) amongst my usual human faults of pride, stubbornness, stress, worry, anxiety... (shall I continue?).  J returned from the Meeting God in Baseball clinic in Hato Mayor with 20 AIM coaches several weeks ago.  And from the stories I have heard, God was breaking barriers and moving with force with these men.  Here in the DR, one often hears "oh they're not Christian because..." (fill it in- they drink alcohol, they wear make up, they are divorced, they work at a bar, they don't go to church...).  These are those sad moments when I realize how many of our brothers and sisters on this island are still chained up.  Chained to their former lives, chained to their previous sins, chained with the idea that they must earn and prove their faith.  And ultimately, it frustrates me to think about how many people are turning away from the freedom and salvation Christ brings because they believe they aren't good enough.  During our camp in Nagua this past March, one of the Dominicans who went with us told us that he didn't realize Christians could be like this (to which he was referring having fun).  He didn't know Christians could laugh and joke and have a good time.  For him it was all rules you have to follow.  Isn't that heart breaking?  Instead of this young man seeing and being told about the joy Christ brings into your life and the freedom He gives you from your former life and ALL your sins, he was bogged down with the rules and regulations.  I have been re-reading Waking the Dead by John Eldredge (go out right now and buy it or borrow it... just find it) which speaks to this.  Nowadays so many churches are focused on the rules and steps to becoming a Christian and improving your life that they skip the most important part- the heart.  They skip the training of our hearts to be like Christ (which will ultimately display peace, love, kindness, grace).  We've tried to boil down the "Christian life" to a series of steps to take, hoops to jump through, and when finished you will be a Christian.  That's not what Christ modeled, talked about, or intended.  We become more "Christian" as we grow closer in our relationship with Christ. 
One of our many prayers on this island is to share with others the true nature of a Christian lifestyle.  It's not about religion or what you can do, but your relationship with He who made you.

Just a few pics:

Ryann enjoying some tummy time.

In case you didn't know, Aubrey has actually started her own church services.  Here she is preaching into her "microphone" with her Bible.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10

Saturday, November 15, 2014

God is good all the time!

Praise God as the work here is going amazing!  Growth, discipleship, outreach. 

J attended an Association meeting last Friday and the overall theme was service.  Service to the communities, service to the people, getting out and doing something.  And none of this was on the "agenda" for the day.  Rather, our staff and coaches have seen a need within the community and felt the call to "go" and help where needed.  November in the Dominican is considered the "rainy season" and we definitely received a lot of that last week.  So much rain that several areas flooded causing people to lose everything.  When this was discussed, it was decided to hold a clothing drive for these people as so many were already working on restoring houses, furniture, and other needs.  Again what is phenomenal is the way people (just like in the States) come together to help their fellow brothers and sisters in need.  Mercedes (from Cangrejo which is one of the poorer areas we work in) immediately raised her hand to donate 2 large boxes of clothes and a suitcase of shoes.  Others immediately offered help and pretty soon we had an overflowing CR-V with clothes (it took J two trips to get it all there). 
As the night continued on, more ideas for service came about (holding a camp in Moca, creating a fund to help provide for each other when they are in need, etc.)  As J said, he was very proud of these coaches.  What you may not know is that 6 years ago these people hated each other (they could barely stand to play against each other much less meet together), 2 years ago it was all about what they could receive, presently it's about what they can give.  Thank you God for the growth in these men and women.  As these leaders become more like You, the community can come closer to You!!
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Today and last Saturday, Checo's team hosted a tournament.  The teams played in La Union, Los Castillos, Maimon, and at the Air Base in Cangrejo.  It has been a great opportunity for some of the smaller teams to participate (Bella Vista, La Grua, Cangrejo), and it is always a great time for everyone to hear God's Word.  Here are some pictures of the 2 days:

The honor of the first pitch was given to the General of the Air Force Base in Sosua.

As of lately, our life has filled up with meetings.  We still meet weekly with our AIM staff and now Luis Chingping has jumped on board during those meetings.  Just like every organization, it helps us stay up to date with the work everyone is doing and organize our needs and activities.  We have been meeting several weeks now individually with each of our staff to allow for time for all the housekeeping duties (receipts, work logs, etc) and time to reflect on their work and their life.  I think these have been going fantastic, and God has been shaping each meeting into something different. 

In our family life, the girls are growing and learning and having a blast.  Although I miss having cold weather, it is nice to still be able to go outside in shorts and play all afternoon.  Ryann is rolling over now and "tripod-ing".  We have learned that when she wants to do something or learn something, she will focus all her time on this.  So, once she figured out she could roll, she spent the next several days perfecting this and getting over her arm.  (Aubrey was different and very much like J- it will happen when it happens, why rush things!)  Aubrey is great and growing.  We are working on incorporating more Spanish into her language (and because everyone asks- she does not speak Spanish but she will respond to it.)  And J and myself are cruising along.  Loving our life and all the ups and downs that come with it.

Harriet Potter!

One evening we had a "gajillion" mosquitoes in the house.  J eventually mastered the art of giving the mosquitos "a high-five to the face".  However, they left their revenge as we had to clean the walls and ceiling.  Here J is using Aubrey's broom and a baby wipe to clean the ceiling.  (P.S. we don't call them baby wipes but how on earth do you spell wipey, wipee, wypee, wipey, whypee)

Checo has started an old man softball time.  All invitees are at least 40 years old with the exception of J.  He was given honorary 40 year old status.  He's not sure how he feels about this but is grateful for the opportunity to hang out with the old folks.

A visit with Mercedes.

A couple of Mercedes's girls with Aubrey.  Yup, it's Christmas time in the Dominican.  (Further proof was seen today at the grocery store because grills are on sale.)
Praise God for this work!  Praise God for each of you who make it possible for our family to be here!  God is good ALL the time!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


What a great day!  As we have been encouraging our staff to get out and spend more time with the coaches, J and Victor went to a meeting with Rigo (a volleyball coach in Villa Liberacion who has participated in several camps) yesterday afternoon.  This was meant to encourage Rigo, pour into him and begin the relationship of discipleship between Victor and Rigo.  But, God had more important plans and ideas for the afternoon.  When J asked Rigo if he was a Christian, Rigo's response was, "not right now."  As J asked him what was keeping him from becoming a Christian, Rigo responded with "no reason really, I just haven't done it."  At that point, J encouraged Rigo to make any decision, to not stay on the fence.  As J further thanked Rigo for allowing us and others to preach and do devotionals for his team even though he's not Christian, Rigo responded with, "It's good for me and God is everything." 
When J heard this he asked Rigo, "So you believe in God?" 
Rigo- "Of course I do, there is a God." 
J- "Ok, then who is Jesus?"
Rigo- "Jesus is God's Son who was sent here to die for our sins."
J- "Do you believe this?"
Rigo- "Yes."
J- "Would you say that Jesus is Lord?"
Rigo- "Yes."
J- "I have a surprise for you.  You may not know it, but you are a Christian."

Much of the Christian culture here (and around the world) focuses on what we do and how we behave.  So, Rigo's reaction was incredulous to "being a Christian".  (Rigo's face was reading something like... ok this guy's telling me I'm a Christian when I know I don't do the right stuff.)

J- What do you think God wants from you?
Rigo- no answer
J- God just wants to know you.  Our sins separate us from the God who made us to know us.  He sent his Son to take the punishment for our sin so that when He sees us, He doesn't see sin but sees Christ and He can have a relationship with that.  So in all the things we do, reading the Bible, going to church, etc. if we do those things to look up and say God, you see what I'm doing, then we are missing it.  But when we read the Bible, we should do so to learn who God is and to know Him better.

This was a lot for Rigo to take in because the idea that to be a Christian we have to do all these things is so ingrained (which I think many of us struggle with). 

Please be lifting up our brother, Rigo, as he discovers and explores the freedom He has found in Christ. 

Then (as if that wasn't enough), we had our individual meeting with one of our guys and let's say the Holy Spirit was working.  We started these meetings as a way to discuss their work, their receipts, their responsibilities, pray with them and ultimately pour into them.  But yesterday, J got to spend an hour pouring into him with scripture and lifting him up with his current struggles. 

Please be lifting up all our brothers here as they undergo life in general and continue to grow with the responsibilities God has given them within AIM.

On another note, Luis Chingping is doing as well as can be expected.  He is actually going to start joining us during our weekly AIM meetings.  And a note of encouragement he told J the other day was, "These last 2 weeks have shown me that AIM is not a ministry, it's a family."  Praise God for the brotherhood we have in our staff, our coaches, the Pastors, and all the other community leaders who are willing to dedicate their time spreading the Gospel through sport and to raising up the youth in these communities. 

Much love!

"If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Oscar Taveras

I'm sure most of you have heard about the baseball star, Oscar Taveras, passing away earlier this week.  It is always sad when someone so young dies, but it is even harder to bear when you are not sure of their salvation.  Oscar grew up here in Sosua and was the hometown hero "who made it" to the big leagues.  Checo and many others had poured into him telling him Truth, and attempting to help him get his life on track for Christ, but as far as we know he died without knowing our Savior.  Yesterday at a game between Gary and Alfre, Gary preached on this subject (and let me say there was a lot of emotion going into these words).  Gary shared with the kids the pain of Oscar's passing, that he was so young and had so much ahead of him.  Gary shared his anger and frustration because he knows how much wise advice and how many times Oscar had been preached the Gospel, but Oscar always rejected it.   With tears, Gary desperately spoke to the kids to listen to the authorities God placed in their life that love them.  That when these authorities give advice, it is for their (the kids) own good, not to harm them. 

As our blog is titled "just one more", we always want "just one more" to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.  "Just one more" to be saved from eternal separation from our heavenly Father.  If you know someone who has not accepted Christ, please pour into them now.  Don't wait until "later" or tomorrow because as cliché as it sounds, tomorrow may be too late.  Oscar was 22 years young with dreams and life ahead of him. 

"Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near"  Isaiah 55:6